Stefano Cieri posted a new activity comment 8 years, 3 months ago
Yay! Welcome @tomwolstenholme, my friend 🙂
I’ll take time to explain things better, at some point, in the meanwhile have look here when you want (and you can) at what I was saying here:
and here:– Alberto Hernandez (@albertohrs) 17th June 2016
and, yes, @albertohr…[Read more]
Stefano Cieri posted a new activity comment 8 years, 6 months ago
yesss @albertohrs! very cool indeed to have you too here!
As you noticed already this place is a bit messy, language-wise, but it is going to change fairly soon.In the meanwhile, feel very welcome and please join the Transnational group:
http://www.futuroanteriore.org/groups/fa-internationaland, if interested, have a quick look at this…[Read more]