Stefano Cieri

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  • #1434
    Stefano Cieri

    Una segnalazione veloce:

    Trovo che l’autrice Rachel Sussman abbia trovato un ambito interessante di ricerca e apprezzo l’approccio ibrido fra ricerca e arte, nonche’ la valenza divulgativa del suo lavoro.
    Nonostante cio’, credo che la presentazione in se’ rimanga piuttosto “tiepida”. In particolare ho avuto la sensazione che la natura ibrida del suo approccio compromette l’intento del suo lavoro: la parte artistica rimane poco espressiva, la ricerca non e’ cosi’ profonda e, in ultima istanza, la potenza del messaggio rimane debole e il potenziale impatto comunicativo minimo.

    Stefano Cieri

    una piccola integrazione, The art and science of special effects di Paul Franklin (Double Negative):

    Nonostante continui a credere che il lavoro fatto per Interstellar sia quantomeno sopravvalutato (e l’operazione commerciale piuttosto discutibile), il talk rimane un riferimento unico nel suo genere, per una discussione sui temi sopra menzionati.

    EDIT: Qualche altra informazione e’ disponibile sul sito di DNeg,

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Stefano Cieri.
    Stefano Cieri

    resuscito questo thread solo per segnalare quello che riportavo qui:
    dal mio punto di vista, ci entra molto con quanto si discuteva in questa sede.
    Il dibattito sul fatto che l’arte in generale abbia o meno un valore d’utilita’ diventa essenziale, quando si cerca di inquadrare il concetto di arte sostenibile sia nei contenuti, che nel modo di attuarla e, in ultima istanza, sui reali effetti di una data opera (e quindi la sua effettivita utilita’). Per me, un tema delicato che e’ parte integrante di questo ragionamento, e’ la responsabilita’ dell’artista e il grado di consapevolezza delle effettive ripercussioni della sua opera.

    Un po’ di segnalazioni sparse, su titoli che son saltati fuori mentre cercavo un po’ in rete:
    Il paper di un intervento al Siggraph dell’anno scorso, cui ho assistito con molte riserve ma che, alla fine, si e’ dimostrato piu’ maturo e informato di quanto non credessi.
    Se qualcuno fosse interessato ad approfondire, ho sia il PDF del paper che la registrazione dell’intervento al Siggraph.

    Di quell’intervento, mi aveva colpito particolarmente il lavoro di Dunne e Raby.
    Qui un articolo in cui si parla di loro (io li ho conosciuti via @tmslnz) e sull’ontologia del concetto di “Design Speculativo”:
    formulato in:

    Mi sembrano, seppure discutibili nel complesso, ragionamenti comunque piu’ maturi di quelli che troviamo in articoli del genere:

    How Soon Is Now? A Precarious Environment Roots in Art

    dove troviamo segnalata una pletora di sensibilizzatori poco attenti a ragionamenti piu’ profondi

    Stefano Cieri

    (translated from Linee Guida)

    This website is part of an experiment which has many concurring objectives; one of those consists of building a web platform, the design of which would be agile enough to support the needs of a collaborative community.
    We’re still very far from achieving this. To face urgent needs and be practical, we started basing the web site on an open source solution (WordPress + Buddypress) and this is the main cause of most of its current limitations.
    We’ll make our best to adapt this platform to the users’ and the project’s requirements, which will emerge with time; we’ll also try to make its graphics better. Please be patient, as we know this will take time.
    By now, please just try follow our minimal set of guidelines we propose here and let us know if you have any doubt.

    A bit of netiquette
    You probably already have an idea of what netiquette is.
    We would invite everybody to follow some good practices which are well established in online communities, keeping in mind that everybody has its own ways (and times) to live the web.
    pimp your avatar
    How to register:

    • Name and Surname: if you’re not particularly keen to stay anonimous, we would like to know you (also) by name and surname. In general, we would like “real people” to gather here, as much as possible.
    • avatar: please consider this a must; in order to follow the groups’ activities, recognize the participants, facilitate discussioni, it is essential an image which represents you (anything, really, provided it’s distinguishable).

    How to do networking:

    • notifications: we diclare here the commitment, now and forever, not to spam. Please behave accordingly 🙂
    • friendship: this website is not (nor it’s willing to be) Facebook; please don’t request friendships with no reason. Try connect only with other users if you actually know them or when you’ll begin collaborate with them. Finally, please don’t get offended if anybody doesn’t react with the same attention and frequency than the most active ones. 🙂

    Site Administration
    A group of users will take care of the common administartion activities of the website. Currently, we’re lacking a bit with regards to this but we’re trying to get better.
    Until thing will get better, you can get in touch with us via comments in posts and pages or any forum topic. Otherwise you can post an update, ideally mentioning @admin or @mapofemergence or any users your post is directed to.
    Please don’t hesitate to:

    • ask for assistance
    • propose changes about the platform funcionality
    • propose additions to the website
    • propose public forums

    Groups Participation
    The project’s actualization is meant to happen mainly in distinct work groups (although inter-communication remains essential).
    Every group has its own private forum, where activities will be planned and managed; also proposals and key topics for the group will be discussed here.
    Each group takes care of some of the activities required for the accomplishment of the project (according to it own competences). At some point, it will produce a doucment summing up the whole of its activities and planning.

    • following: in order to know what a certain group is doing, an invite request is required; you can go the page DISCUSSIONE > GRUPPI and click the “request membership” button, next to the name of the group you’re interested in; currently, most of the groups are in Italian but new will come. At the moment, every English discussion is happening in the group #FA Transnational; feel free to join 🙂
      Following a group does not imply active participation: feel free to join the group even if you just want to stay up to date with the ongoing discussion. Any group’s participant can write in the forum and post updates but is not expected to. It is likely (and someway implicit) that the discussion will be steered by the active participants mainly, anyway.
    • participating: beyond the occasional feedback, we consider an active participant of a group any user who periodically contributes to the forum discussion, helps writing the group’s document, brings his expertise and works to realize the project.
      In order to make their involvement explicit, every active participant will be made administrator of the group.
    • topic: the term defines a specific discussion thread within the forums.
      To start, it is a good practice to open few topics aimed to contain broad and general discussions; this might help in avoiding disperse energies, time and attention. It is likely that new topics will naturally sprout with time, out of the first discussions.
    • documents: as mentioned, the active participants will work with these.
      To begin, we propose to work with at least two distinct documents (or, better, versions of the same document): a w.i.p. version, exclusively shared and visible to the active particpant themselves, and a public one, for presentation, which will be visible to any #FA user; this will provide info and explanations about the gropu’s activities and decisions.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Stefano Cieri.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Stefano Cieri.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Stefano Cieri.
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